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Innovations in tooth-whitening

ID: 2019-04-5-T-18726
ФГБОУ ВО Саратовский ГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского Минздрава России

Innovations in tooth-whitening 

Innovations in tooth-whitening 

Белянкин И.А. 

ФГБОУ ВО Саратовский ГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского Минздрава России 

Кафедра иностранных языков 

Научный руководитель: ст.преподаватель Чижова М.Е. 

 “Doctor, I want a whiter, brighter smile. What kind of bleaching works best?” Nowadays dentist should be acutely aware of the value of tooth bleaching, but they want to provide treatment based on reliable evidence. The challenge for dentists is to determine the effectiveness of various tooth-whitening systems, while keeping patients' safety. This has become more and more difficult, as manufacturers continue to provide products based on higher concentrations of an active agent, the addition of desensitizing agents, better formulations or the use of lights or other innovations. There is a number of studies that have researched the effectiveness of various bleaching agents. 

Attention should be paid to medical devices for whitening LED technology aimed for beauty care under the brands of SKIN LABS and WHITE LABS. The company is working to help take care of patients youth and beauty safely and effectively at home. People are worried about teeth turning yellow due to aging and lifestyle of smoking, coffee, wine and some beverages. To recover bright white teeth and changing the image to be healthy and clean, it is worth while testing WHITE LABS.  

Considering the bleaching devices and products it must be noticed that patients want their stomatologists to meet the demands. These include dental whitening devices for both medical and home use; excellent whitening results; hygienic and economic products; easiness to use (small, lightweight and portable); their safety through clinical tests. 

The technology of WHITE LABS comprises all above mentioned features. Moreover it has been proven to have whitening and safe effect through clinical tests. It is stated that patients did not experience painful “teeth sensitivity” commonly associated with other professional teeth whitening procedures. They can enjoy reading or watching TV while using WHITE LABS whitening system.  

Conclusion: Innovations in dentistry particularly in whitening technologies have now won the dominant position in esthetic dentistry; they are already widely introduced into practical medicine and in the curative dentistry. 

Key words: tooth-whitening systems, bleaching devices, esthetic dentistry. 

Ключевые слова

tooth-whitening systems, bleaching devices, esthetic dentistry.
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