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Why become a doctor?

ID: 2019-04-67-A-18747
Оригинальная статья (свободная структура)
ФГБОУ ВО Саратовский ГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского Минздрава России, кафедра иностранных языков


The article is concerned with the question of the future profession choice on the example of a doctor's profession. The authors present their ideas about the reasons that may influence the career choice in the sphere of medicine. Also the article states the main positions which describe the meaning of this work.

Ключевые слова

doctor`s duty, student`s choice, hobby, lifestyle


The article is concerned with the question of the future profession choice on the example of a doctor's profession. The authors present their ideas about the reasons that may influence the career choice in the sphere of medicine. Also the article states the main positions which describe the meaning of this work.

Keywords: doctor`s duty, student`s choice, hobby, lifestyle

Four hundred years ago, an English philosopher Francis Bacon noticed that happy people seemed to be those whose nature and activities were in harmony. Doing something you do not like means dooming yourself to be unhappy. That is what most people do at least 8 hours each working day.

Since childhood, parents tell their children to imagine what they would like to do in their life, so they start to think about their job preferences. The choice of future profession should be made very responsibly. Every teenager in a certain period of life becomes interested in such questions as “Who am I and what do I want to achieve in my life?”, “What do I like and what are my hobbies?”, “What are my skills?” and “What results can I achieve doing my hobbies?”, and “Can my hobby be related to my future profession?” Answers to these questions lead a person to a certain decision, which affects the choice of profession.

For most people, a doctor is not just a man in a white coat, it is the feeling of hope in the most difficult and hopeless situation. That is why, choosing this profession, you need to ask yourself: “Do I want to help people?”

Sociologists have interviewed lots of students applying to medical universities , and many of them were already sure that they wanted their job would help other people [1]. For some students it was important to get knowledge and skills to be able to alleviate patients’ sufferings.

Other applicants said that the choice of their profession was made because of their family, which represented medical dynasties. And the point is often not that it is easiest to enter a university where their parents have some acquaintances. The work of a doctor leaves its mark on the person’s mind, creates a special atmosphere in the house. Being brought up in such conditions, a child begins to understand that he or she wants to follow the work of parents.

Undoubtedly, the medical profession has always been respected and prestigious in every country in the word. For a small town or village a good doctor is important, but usually there arenot many of them. So, pupils from some African country often desire to connect their lives witha profession of s doctor and go studying to big cities [2].

Speaking about the main qualities that a person who has chosen this profession should have, we can give the first place in the list to love. Doctors must love people. Having excellent knowledge and being prepared for the most difficult situations, a doctor can help nothing if he

or she has no got love and compassion. Every patient expects to see in a doctor a confident and calm person. In everyday life, there can be various situations, and doctors can be put in stressful conditions, but visiting a patient, all this should be left behind. Seeing a confident doctor makes a patient recover more quickly.

A doctor must be attentive and sensitive, and brave. According to a medical ethics, doctors should not be afraid to get infected from ill patients [3]. A physician must be able to make a decision quickly and take responsibility for this decision.

A doctor must be selfless, inquisitive and hardworking. He or she must continually expand knowledge in order to apply modern methods of treatment and use the latest discoveries of medicine.

Finally, a doctor must be merciful, because he has to treat all patients equally regardless of patient’s social status, severity of illness or any social excuses.

All in all, a doctor's job is very important and demanding. Doctors must have a lot of good qualities to be needed and to do their job properly. Helping people and saving lives is a doctor's duty, and it can not be underestimated.


1. Каланити П. Когда дыхание растворяется в воздухе. Иногда судьбе все равно, что ты врач. - М., 2016.

2. Марш Г. Не навреди: истории о жизни, смерти и нейрохирургии. - М., 2014.

3. Езова С.А. Профессиональное общение: новые нюансы и аспекты: научно-практическое пособие. – М., 2012. – 96с.

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