The use of immediate dentures in orthopedic stomatology
Мамулян К.К.
Научные руководители: к.м.н., асс. Прошин А.Г., к.м.н., асс. Бизяев А.А.
ГБОУ ВПО Саратовский ГМУ им. В. И. Разумовского Минздрава РФ
Кафедра ортопедической стоматологии
Postoperative or immediate dentures are used in immediate prosthetics. Using this technique, dentures are made before tooth extraction and are applied immediately after its completion, but not later than in 24 hours.
The indications for use of immediate dentures are:
· removal of the front teeth;
· removal of last pair of antagonists;
· removal of a large number of teeth, if functional overload threatens the remaining teeth;
· removal of teeth with existing symptoms of TMJ diseases;
· status after resection of the alveolar bone or jaw.
Purpose of this work - to evaluate clinical effectiveness of using of immediate dentures in orthopedic dentistry.
Let’s consider a clinical case. A patient D. 33 years old appealed at the Department of the orthopedic dentistry of SSMU. Complaints about loss of functional and aesthetic usefulness of 24 tooth. As a result of clinical examination of a patient the destruction of the coronal part of 24 tooth due to carious process been diagnosed. Using the root of the tooth for later prosthetics was impossible. It was decided to delete 24 teeth and manufacture immediate dentures with subsequent prosthetic dental defect. Through the use of immediate dentures it was managed to accelerate the healing of postoperative wound by preventing the washout of a blood clot from the extraction site and by excluding the possibility of getting food into it. This contributed minimizing the occurrence of post-extraction complications. Moreover, the patient did not feel discomfort about the aesthetic defects after extraction of tooth, that was in the smile line.
So, the use of immediate dentures in orthopedic dentistry is quite effective: besides a temporary recovery of the integrity of a tooth row immediately after a tooth extraction, they are also used as a bandage, protecting the postoperative wound and they influence the formation of the alveolar process and are also aesthetically beautiful.