The first face transplant surgery in Russia
Ленина Д.А.
Научный руководитель: к. псх. н. Веретельникова Ю.Я.
ГБОУ ВПО Саратовский ГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского Минздрава РФ
Кафедра иностранных языков
A face transplant is a medical procedure to replace all or part of a person's face using tissue from a cadaver. Since the first face transplant 32 successful operations have been performed in seven different countries. Russia has became the 8th country in the world.
A serviceman who suffered electrical burns 4 years ago has successfully undergone a face transplant operation. It was held at St Petersburg Military Medical Academy named after Kirov in May 2015. The man, who died in Kurskiy region from a severe traumatic brain injury, became Nikolay’s savior.
The experts were preparing for one of the most complex operations. The surgeons rehearsed the transplantation on a replica of the patient's facial pattern printed on 3D-printers. The human face has its own unique structure, so the doctors had no right for mistake.
Retrieval of donor tissue lasted 12 hours, and facial tissue transplant to the patient continued for 18 hours. There was used a complex set of tissues, containing the skin, subcutaneous fat, muscle, cartilage and bone tissue elements.
Today doctors are sure that the operation was successful and the young man will be able to return to normal everyday life. During December patient underwent plastic surgery after which he will be able to come back home.
Transplantation became possible thanks to the technological advances of modern medicine and the accumulated experience of scientists around the world. This is a revolutionary breakthrough in Russian transplantation surgery.
В России впервые сделана операция по пересадке лица. Её провели в Военно-медицинской академии в Петербурге. В общей сложности операция длилась более 18 часов. В результате пациент — военнослужащий, получивший серьезный ожог электрическим током, получил новое лицо и шанс на новую жизнь.